Matter in Search of Form

Got up in the morning, Still reeling from Night visions Awoke to a quiet home Empty kitchen New tigerwood floors Wistfully filled up my expectations Raising up my hopes Will she like them? Sixteen miles of Tehachapi...

Black and White

Black. Let me try this one, she said “…can I do this by my own?” Pushing him away, A self-deprecating Twist on her lip said “I look …y,” Nearly taking it off White. Color of his...

Rainy night. Sometime in 1989. Our “Book of Saturday.”

Was it November? Heaps of cigarette ash in the tray. Who would believe If I tell them now, How we had internalized This song already by then. How we had the world in our fists already then, How our fingers were crazy...

If You Read Anything on the Internet, Read This

“…And before I had time to look round I had adopted the views on life of the set of authors I had come among, and these views completely obliterated all my former strivings to improve. Those views furnished...

Tell Her to Come Home

And so we Just walked in In red white and green Half-naked and bare feet I keep looking over Feeling her smile, Yielding my shoulder For her unseen hand To brush away An unseen speckle Someone said “I know you...

Rights of Man

Once, When they tore them open A life fell out of each Now, They are driven Smiling with them Rights of their own In bright sunshine Hauling with them Buried in black One mile from the graveyard The rights of man...

Her Secret

“Show me your house,” said she As soon as we opened the door Now, on the eighth day The house is empty Mute, quiet, refusing to Wave goodbye It was my house She arrived at But in her departure, She left our...

Heart Ages Ago

I write to you pretending I wrote to no one in particular; as though we are strangers at last; Why then my heart is heavy when you replied, as though we will be strangers forever? One from the vault, scribbled heart...

After Separation

So bright you are You said Too bright for me So sharp you are You said Too sharp for me So much love I have You said Too afraid to say how much Too much to speak in words Staying back You shine Like those vitreous...

Air Supply, Love Supply

Remembering mom and dad.
Two islands of memories
Kicking up the dust
Left the city
Leaving the life
Now I stand
In dirt and dust
Holding my breath
Holding my secret

The Shape of Love

One by one you left You, then you Now, on this cold early hour Of the morning memories I translate everything you were Into everything you meant I should not live in the past, they say I should move on, they say...

My Glory O

To an old friend E. Eleven years of soft smooth skin Your hungry hands, Quiet, questioning, Waiting, tired Still a friend. Now this song Makes me Quiet, questioning, Wondering Why am I rooted in you? Are you my country...

Mother Goose

Now that the cascade of words subsided It is quiet, You are clear. Now it would’ve been nice You making coffee, I making Idle banter. We disagreeing On million little things Agreeing on One Big Thing Such as: you...

For a “A Short Book of Negative Thoughts.”

From an email exchange with Dachu (my brother), dated 6th July 2013: Here is the first negative thought: I often recall that I feel immediately better when I leave things worse than I found them at first. For example...

Need: Indian Language minus Movie Tropes

Thursday, April 30, 2015, 6:37pm What makes it possible that Dickens can write about city’s vagabond children and it infuses us with emotion, that Trollope can write about societies in church, novelizing them, and...

Kasab Uvacha: Dear India, Dear Friend

A few days after Mumbai attacks in November 2008 (26/11), still recovering from what we all saw on live TV, I kept thinking that these verses are what Kasab might be saying to himself while he and his fellow terrorists...

Black and White

Black. Let me try this one, she said, “…can I do this by my own…?” Pushing him away A self-deprecating Twist on her lip, Still smiling, “I look …..y,” Nearly taking it off White...

Our Marriage, Made in Heaven

And so here we are
Back again
To you being you
Me being without you
An old poem, dressed in new clothes.

My Translations in Caravan Magazine

The Caravan–October 2014. Three Telugu Poets: Siva Reddy, Varavara Rao and Ismail. For most Indian readers in English, contemporary poetry in Telugu lies below the horizon, its existence sometimes reported but...

Road to Brooklyn Book Festival

Sometime in the middle of 1978. Old city of Hyderabad burned with Hindus and Muslims killing each other, and the police killing everyone. Early May 2003. “Characters should behave unaware of the future that lay ahead of...

Sources Of Inspiration

Going through my notes, it is clear that I am inspired significantly by literary criticism. George Steiner, Richard Blackmur (R.P. Blackmur), John Bayley, Edward Wasiolek, R.F. Christian, Richard Gustafson, Gary Saul...

“It Is The Story Of …”

July 8th, 2003 It is not a story of characters where it is clear immediately who is in the wrong, with dark evil intentions and good intentions. No. It is the story of helplessness in the face of one’s own...

“Gradual Process of Enrichment”

I wrote down that phrase, “gradual process of enrichment,” in my notes on June 27, 2003 in quotation marks, forgetting to write down where I copied it from. Dad had passed away a few months earlier. That was...

From The Notes

Some essays appeal to the literary critics and some other essays appeal to the artist. Saying it is not taking anything away from the critic, but it’s a different kind of pulsation. For example, when you read War and...

Why A New Publishing Company?

Saaranga Books.
“Perhaps being in one’s own homeland shapes everything. By this I mean that being an immigrant also shapes everything.”
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Foreword Reviews “All Things Unforgiven”

Reviewed by Michelle Anne Schingler Descriptions of violence have a tactile quality and stay with the reader into following scenes; the hectic love in Arya’s family is as lastingly conveyed. The debut novel from Raj...

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