And so here we are
Back again
To you being you
Me being without you
An old poem, dressed in new clothes.
And so here we are
Back again
To you being you
Me being without you
An old poem, dressed in new clothes.
Why talk of the unknowability of death? Nonsense. Let me tell you what death is. She will never think of you. Not out of spite, Nor because she doesn’t want to. While your body is cremated You let your heart burn...
How long are you going to smile a public smile when you see me Sweeping me out the door of your kindness and grace How long am I to go on feeling a private guilt when I see you Hoping one day you will see the chains you...
One look, one word
And I died everyday
I didn’t kiss you
Now, after 23 years
I still live
For one word, for one look
And for one kiss
To encode life
Into my 23 pairs
Don’t hold back It is not your love I want Nor your affection, not yet anyway Not even your attention—maybe just a little But you allowing yourself, When you see me, The softness in your heart, The ease in your...
So bright you are You said Too bright for me So sharp you are You said Too sharp for me So much love I have You said Too afraid to say how much Too much to speak in words Staying back You shine Like those vitreous...
It would be nice To touch those hands To press those fingers To take them in my hands To take them in my fingers To kiss them Feel the damp sweat of her palms on my face Would be nice To put my arm around her shoulders...
Copyright © Raj Karamchedu.