When it comes to a woman
You are only what she accords you
Framed in her silence,
Only that.
And if you are offended by this
Then you are not madly in crush with her
Fix this first.
When it comes to a woman
You are only what she accords you
Framed in her silence,
Only that.
And if you are offended by this
Then you are not madly in crush with her
Fix this first.
Saw her today climb into a car, someone else’s
May such moments of pain bring me
A clearer understanding
Bequeath her the rest of my years
Unlived, untainted, closer to God
This is how I know I love her.
Come in, come in,
Look down into the abyss of my inkwell
See for yourself what you did
Lazy spring afternoons, like today Sun, busy packing for a full on summer, Shows up with loads of longing for her. Keeping me quiet, pining for her crazy. While she, a million miles away, Coiled up, quiet, her love, her...
Someone come bury me Don’t wait for me to die When poets are being buried, what of my death See my cut heart Feel its split aches Hear its wild echoes There, see it pushing its way Up through my throat, my eyes...
She told me this would happen That the time present would fly But the time past would stay. Hearts that pounded together Would break alone, and Divide in solitude, into twins. She said one twin will fly to her And the...
Copyright © Raj Karamchedu.