On a white day like this
On a road like this
I drove to an address
Stranger in me
Feeling home
Less of me
Feeling more
One of me
Feeling for
One of you.
On a white day like this
On a road like this
I drove to an address
Stranger in me
Feeling home
Less of me
Feeling more
One of me
Feeling for
One of you.
One look, one word
And I died everyday
I didn’t kiss you
Now, after 23 years
I still live
For one word, for one look
And for one kiss
To encode life
Into my 23 pairs
It is back. The swell. The ocean in me, Rising, In a big wave, Heaving recollections Against my eyes. Here I see no one, In this swell I am alone Buried in it. Breaking With some memory Of something. Alone on my island...
Your baby, standing on her tiny wobbly legs, Staring at you, her fingers joyfully in her mouth I am like that, when it comes to you. Who are you, then? I’ve heard it said That there is a phase women go through...
Lies, lies. I’ve been lying to myself that I like music, lying to others in informal conversations that I like our music. Lies. This music, for today our music, but it is no one’s in particular, brings me to...
Was it November? Heaps of cigarette ash in the tray. Who would believe If I tell them now, How we had internalized This song already by then. How we had the world in our fists already then, How our fingers were crazy...
Copyright © Raj Karamchedu.